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Flood Preparedness and Early Warning (FPEW)

EN Power Trade

Project Objectives

The project’s overall goal is to reduce human suffering caused by frequent flooding while preserving the environmental benefits of floods. The long-term goal is to establish a comprehensive regional approach for flood management that integrates watershed, the river and its floodplain, and mitigation measures within a broad multipurpose framework.

To reach its goals, FPEW stated two specific objectives:

  1. Establish a regional institution and strengthen the existing capacities of EN countries in flood forecasting, mitigation, and management.
  2. Promote regional cooperation and enhance the readiness of EN countries for the implementation of subsequent phases of FPEW projects.
Project Components

The FPEW Project has three major components:

  1. Regional Coordination
  2. Pilot Flood Preparedness and Emergency Response
  3. Flood Forecasting Warning and Communication System

Project Outcomes

When completed, the project will:

  • Directly benefit 100,000 Sudanese people, and 1.2 million indirectly, in 198 flood-prone communities in major urban and rural centers
  • Directly benefit 50,000 Ethiopian people, and 500,000 indirectly, in 107 flood-prone communities
  • Improve disaster and emergency preparedness response across Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia
  • Strengthen and coordinate technical and institutional capabilities at regional, national, and local levels
Project Achievements

The project’s first phase successfully achieved the following accomplishments.

  • FPEW established a regional flood coordination unit (RFCU). This unit enhanced regional coordination across Sudan, Ethiopia, and Egypt by assembling the highest quality professional staff and technical office equipment in each country. This allowed ENTRO to effectively systematize and carry out innovative flood risk management operations across the EN basins and sub-basins.
  • FPEW piloted, implemented and assessed flood preparedness and emergency response activities. These activities included preparing multidisciplinary flood risk mapping studies, detailed emergency warning plans and responses, and community surveillance plans during the peak flood season in Ethiopia and Sudan.
  • FPEW enhanced and created a flood forecasting and communication system. This project strengthened existing flood warning centers in Egypt and Sudan while establishing a national flood center in Ethiopia.
  • FPEW launched a database management system for regional data sharing on flood management operations. This database captures data used for a number of flood management operations essential for flood preparedness and emergency response activities, and a flood forecasting and communication system. Experts are able to access and use the data for prediction models, surveys, terrain modeling, and hydraulic modeling.