Flood risk maps for pilot areas along the Blue Nile River in Sudan: Khartoum City (covering part of Khartoum City along the Blue Nile and the proposed development area at Soba), Hasahisa and Wad Medani at the River Rahad junction, Singa Cit, and Roseires Dam. Flood extent map convey basic information about the general vicinity in which flooding can be expected with varying frequencies and can be a valuable aid in communicating flood risk to local populations, as part of education and outreach programs to encourage appropriate response. Local communities can make immediate use of these maps to identify areas of focus for flood protection, preparedness, warning, and future development guidelines. These maps were developed from a multi-disciplinary study that included products from topographic data collection and surveying, terrain modelling, hydrologic analysis, hydraulic modelling and analysis, flood hazard mapping, economic data collection and damage analysis, and vulnerability and risk assessment. This activity was part of the World Bank supported Flood Preparedness and Early Warning Project Phase I (FPEW I) which was implemented by ENTRO from 2007 – 2010.