One of the recent developments and initiation in Nile basin is that A “TEEB-inspired study”, focusing
on wetland ecosystems. The Nile Basin Wetlands TEEB, coordinated by the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI),
focusing on raising awareness about the importance of wetland ecosystem services to regional,
national, sectoral and local-level development processes. Under this process, fairly sizable, with
more than 200 published documents on ecosystem valuation were identified covering all the riparian
countries. Although incorporating a wide range of wetland types, the geographical distribution of the
studies is patchy and South Sudan is among the countries with limited attempt of such studies. It is
based on this backdrop that this in-depth site-specific valuation study to conduct TEEB analysis on
the Sudd wetland is undergoing. The key objective of this assignment by Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)
was to conduct economic valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services of Sudd wetland to inform
green infrastructure planning and development in the face of in situ and ex-situ development
interventions. Specifically. to this end market price and value transfer approach has been employed
to solicit the total economic value of the wetland.